Pre-Order the Game!

Desura Digital Distribution

Friday, April 5, 2013


While working with some other stuff in the game, I keep running into certain stuff, and finally decided to create a proper launcher where you can select resolution and if it's windowed or fullscreen, and which dataset to use.  With this, you can create a total conversion mod that have its own title screen and such.

The resolution/windowed/fullscreen options are working, however the dataset selection is not yet.  I'll need to re-write the data loading code to work with the new launcher, but in the end, it should be a lot cleaner and less cluttered in code!  As soon as I'm done with this part, I will update the Recent Build branch, maybe next week.  This weekend will be a busy one for me!

Here's a screenshot of the launcher in action:


  1. While you are at it, a feature request for a some future release: non-exclusive fullscreen. Basically windowed mode over whole display area (no form borders, no form title bar, over the taskbar). If SlimDX is OK with it.

  2. That launcher is the most epic launcher to ever launch.

  3. I think that's how full-screen works currently, it don't lock the mouse cursor inside the game for multi-monitor setup. However, clicking outside the game causes the game to lose focus and somehow disappear while debugging. Fixing that is low on my priority list, maybe someone can take the time and submit a fix for this? :)
