New Game screen will be used in both single player and multi player as a pre-game lobby setup. I've finished the galaxy previewer, so you can generate a galaxy, and it'd show up in the previewer. When you start the game, that exact same galaxy will be the game's galaxy. I've added a new feature of having stars being different sized (2x2 to 4x4). It don't really change the gameplay much, just adds a bit of variation.
I'm also working on code for drop-down menus. When that's done, I can just do this:
Combobox galaxyType = new Combobox(...), and it'd set up the combo box for me. Then I just do this:
and it'd take care of the rest of mouse handling and rendering. It's mostly done, I just need to implement text and scrolling.
Here's a screenshot of the "New Game" screen, it only have the previewer and galaxy type drop-down menu with no text. But at least you'll get the idea.
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